
Character Artist & Illustration
Wecomic Artist

Follow the buttons below to see what I get up to!-Commissions Closed!

|................................................ Zelleya's Terms of Service
Updated February 19, 2024
........... GENERALThese will be in a digital format only.I will not draw real people.Visual references are required for both character AND outfit of choice. If you leave the outfit design up to me, this will be treated as an add-on and will incur additional fees. If you piece together an outfit from various images to provide a clear, specific idea, this will work just fine as a reference!*Update about using AI images for references: Typically, I do not allow AI images for references. I disagree with the concept of AI images, but even if I set aside ethics, most of them are too uncanny and give me a headache to look at for too long. I hope you can understand.** References MUST be SFW / PG-13 or otherwise censored.I will be showcasing my artwork in my portfolio and on social media. If you would like for me to delay posting the art for a certain amount of time, up to a max of 6 months, please let me know in advance. Any longer NDA will incur additional fees.**Please avoid uploading my artwork on social media like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
Do not upload it to your portfolios (ie, Deviantart, Artstation, Cara, ect.)
I will happily approve of it being in character profiles like Toyhouse or similar, with credits.
The best way to know if a platform is acceptable is to just ask me before posting it somewhere public.
You will not copy, trace or alter my art in any way.You will not, for any reason, remove my signature from the pictures, sell prints or other objects featuring them; or claim them as your work.You will not use my art for NFTs and you will not use it in any form of AI generator.If you have purchased or received an adoptable design from me, you will NOT resell it for monetary value. These designs are for Personal Use only, unless I have given explicit permission............ REVISIONSUp to 3 major revisions are acceptable if the art is still in its sketch phase.
After this phase, minor adjustments may be requested within reason (ie, change of facial expressions), but major revisions (ie, change of pose) may not be approved or may incur additional fees.
Significant changes may incur additional fees starting at $10usd.
- Low budget orders (less than $30) are limited to 1 revision.
- Color hue/saturation adjustments do not count towards revision limits and are free. They are quick, so dont be afraid to ask this of me!
........... DEADLINES AND DELIVERYTypical turnaround is 2-4 weeks.Rush orders are not usually offered, but feel free to ask! They will incur an additional fee of +50%........... USEBase prices do not cover Commercial Usage and therefore are Personal Use by default. Unless a Commercial Use exchange is explicitly agreed upon from me, Commissions purchased from me may not be used in any profitable manner.AI projects using my art will never be permitted.NFTs using my art will never be permitted............ INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSAll of the artwork I create is my own and cannot otherwise be claimed............ REFUNDSFull refunds are offered in the event that I have not started on the commission yet.After beginning, the following covers my current refund structure:75% refunds are available if I have already completed the sketch phase, before any major revisions are made.
40% refunds are available if I am in the lineart stage and/or have performed major revisions already.
Refunds are no longer available during the coloring stage.
........... COMMUNICATIONDiscord is my preferred space for faster communication.
However, if this is not an option for you, I am happy to communicate via Email instead!